The purpose of missions is to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations by making disciples and sharing the love of Jesus

Anyone can be part of missions, you can:

Pray: Pray for those going out to spread the Gospel

Give: Give financially or provide needed items (toiletries,candy,etc...)

Go: Go and serve with a missions team

What does a mission team do?

Serving on a missions team can include a number of different things from praying for a stranger on the street to building a roof for a church. Some teams in the past have been involved with activities such as:


Visiting Cancer Patients

Teaching English

Community Outreach

Prison Ministry

Who does missions serve?

Missions serves the lost and hurting people in the communities that are reached, whether it's a physical need that is met through providing toiletries to people that need them, or a spiritual need met through bringing someone to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ

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Meet our Missionaries



Ken & Linda Stapleton

Czech Republic

The Stapleton's ministry includes training indigenous Christians in developing their gifts to better share the Gospel. Some of their attention is focused on reaching the Romany (Gypsy) minority in the Czech Republic and neighboring countries, including helping to fund the translation of the Bible dialect.

Their daily routine includes partnering with a variety of congregations throughout the nation conducting community outreaches ranging form language development groups to youth activities, community dinners, public lectures and school


Tim & Aika Hill

Himeji, Japan

Tim is one of Hope Community Church's very own Catalyst alumni serving as a missionary to Himeji, Japan. Since moving to Japan in 2014, Tim has connected and is serving in a church with his wife Aika. The Hills both teach english and have a growing ministry teaching to the community.